How much proof do you need before you believe?

Belief in God is not about seeing God, nor is a lack of belief due to not seeing God. Belief in God is a choice you make about how you want to interpret the evidence for God's existence that has been presented to you. Say a man was to begin speaking to you about his wife whom you had never met. It would be odd if you did not believe in her existence, even if you had never heard of her or seen her before. It is more than likely that you would take the man for his word. If for some reason you did not believe the man you may ask him to show you some proof that she exists, such as her photo I.D., marriage certificate or social security number. If the man was able to produce these documents, then this would be taken as proof of the wife's existence. The more evidence provided the more you would believe in her. The evidence could be documentary evidence or hearsay evidence, such as stories told about her by other people. Upon production of all this evidence, most peo...