Understanding the gospel through law and ADR

We are all accountable to laws. It is by the law that we are able to live peaceably and order is kept. The law is good. Knowing that there are laws in place gives us peace of mind (unless you break it, of course). Countries have objective legal structures in place and without them there would be anarchy. The laws which we live by every day are based on the principles laid down by God. Man may change and introduce different laws from time to time that are not of God, but on a whole, the moral laws in place across the world such as do not steal, do not murder, do not defraud, are all based upon God and God’s law. (The picture shows the US Supreme Court building which has the Ten Commandments etched into the stone). We all live accountable to the local laws where we live, however we are all also accountable to God’s law which is much more sovereign and unchanging than any earthly legal system. As our laws are based on God’s law, it is sometimes easier to understand the Gos...