
How can we talk on morality? It is not possible for us to set the standards for what is right and what is wrong, yet that is what we try to do every day. If one was to see into another's thoughts he would be disgusted with what he found. He would probably call that person every name under the sun, in his mind if not out loud. He would quickly conclude that this person is a hypocrite, depraved, maybe even perverted. Yet for those same private thoughts that flow through his own head he would say that they were 'understandable' or a 'mistake on his part' or because of 'human weakness'. He would easily justify his own thoughts because in himself he believes he is a decent fellow, whilst condemning somebody else for having the exact same thoughts. Here lies our conundrum. How could we, who have such a lack of morality in our own private mind possibly be a judge on what is right and what is wrong? We need to understand that the only way for morality to exist i...