How is God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Are they all equal?

God is one God When considering the Trinity that God is, it is imperative that we realise that there is only One God. God is not three separate Gods that then make up the Trinity. God is not made up of parts, with some more important than the other, as some people believe. No, God is one God. Deuteronomy 6:4 states, “Hear, O Israel: “The Lord our God is one Lord”. Our God is a triune God. There is only One God. But God is a Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Throughout the Bible we see each aspect of the Trinity and the different work each does. All parts of the Trinity are as equal as the other and all parts are as much God as the other. The Lord Jesus Christ is just as much God as God the Father is. The Lord Jesus Christ is God. The Holy Spirit is just as much God as the other two beings. Some people may have a hard time understanding this, but it is not illogical. To understand how God can be one and God can be three things consider an egg. Wha...