The difference between the Bible and politicians

Politicians generally have a poor reputation. Young political minds generally aspire to become politicians to try and fix the problems caused by current politicians. Rarely is a politician looked upon favourably, although there are some. Most often the reason politicians have a poor reputation is because they make all sorts of promises, but then never really act on them. A politician who makes extravagant claims but does not act upon them is not to be trusted. He is a liar and the reason for why politicians have such bad reputations. However, a politician who makes claims and backs them up by putting them into practice is to be trusted, for he has proven that he is credible. The same principle is true for the Bible. The Bible makes extravagant claims, however unlike politicians; the Bible goes further and backs up its claims with actions. This is how we know that the Bible can be trusted as God’s Word. Our trust is not based on the claims alone. It is based on the f...