Destruction of the cross

The saying 'there is nothing new under the sun' is true. What we class to be new today is usually a rehash of an old thing, given a more modern and appealing name.

In 1834 the German poet Heinrich Heine highlighted the 'lust for war' by the German people.  He saw the cross as the only symbol that would stop Germany from fulfilling it's lust and feared the day if ever the cross were taken away. He stated: "Should the subduing talisman, the Cross, break, then will come roaring forth the wild madness of the old champioins, the insane Berserker rage of which the Northern poets sing. That talisman is brittle, and the day will come when it will pitifully break."

Nearly 100 years exactly after this statement, Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933. During his successful attempt to temporarily transform the economy he went about a systematic removal of the Cross, replacing the cross of Christ with his own Nazi swastika. He removed the 'subduing talisman' as Heine called it, which according to Heine was the only thing holding Germany back from war. What followed was the most brutal globally encompassing war the modern world has seen, in which six million Jews were murdered. How correct Heine's analysis proved to be.

Today, that same systematic removal of the cross is in motion throughout Europe and America, even including the removal of nativity scenes, angels off the top's of Christmas trees and the name Christmas itself, at Christmas. It is being accomplished through the agenda of anti-God minority groups and the promotion of the Separation of the Church and State in America, based on completely false pretences.

It will be interesting to see what comes about once the Cross of Christ has been removed. We learn from history so that we may not make the same mistakes in the future. It seems we haven't learnt from this piece of history.


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