Hollywood in bed with the devil: anguish for our youth

Holywood has such an influence in our world. Thousands of websites and magazines are dedicated to the exploits of Holywood's rich and famous and the film industry is a multi-trillion dollar business. 'Global Entertatinment and Media Outlook 2011-2016' reports the global entertainment industry to be worth $2 trillion as of 2011. That is equal to the GDP of the UK.

On the surface Holywood is all lights, ritz and glamour, portrayed in a sort of 'where-everybody-knows-your-name'-from-Cheers, kind of way.  It is attractive to all, especially young people. Whether it is going to watch the latest blockbuster, sitting in and watching television or watching the the latest music videos, the ambit of Holywoods influence is massive. On the surface it is ritz and glamour, but how dangerous is it really?

Before we look at what Hollywood represents, lets look at the power of media. Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler's propaganda minister successfully hoodwinked the German nation into backing the war effort and becoming highly anti-semitic. Fear may be a factor that drove the German civilians to follow Hitler with their tail between their legs, however a study of German life suggests different. Voluntary denunciation was a concept were civilians wilfully ratted out their friends and family to the Gestapo if they were thought to be hiding Jews. By looking at the responses to Hitler's speeches it is obvious that this man had a whole nation behind him. So what did Joseph Goebbels view as the most important tool to gaining the support of the German masses?.... not the brute force that is synonymous with the Nazi regime; it was the media. Throughout Hitler's reign Goebbel's put effort into the cinema industry. He used visual imagery werever he could, even the trains were painted with murals depicting the Germans as victourious in numerous feats and the Jews as scum. In Italy, under dictator Mussolini the use of film and imagery was too employed massively as a tactic to change peoples minds. Even in Britain and USA, movie reels of allied victories were played reguarlarly to improve morale. In WW2, Walt Disney helped keep up morale by producing cartoons about Adolf Hitler. It is undeniable, that what we see has a great effect on us.

Look beyond the lights and glamour and it is a hotbed of sin. "14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14). 

As Christians, we should be weary of what the world loves. Not that everything the world loves is bad, but we should exercise caution for the world loves its own. "19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own..." (John 15:19).

Hollywood is the worlds biggest activist. It is used to further agendas. It dares to go where no other will go and it tackles issues for good or bad. For example Philadelphia (1993) was the first film to acknowledge AIDS at a time when AIDS was in the public eye. Today, Hollywood is promoting its sinful agenda and it is doing very well. Like Goebbels, Hollywood knows how to play the crowd. They promote ideas through playing on our emotions and desires. They tap into our nature that likes to see the 'goody' triumph and the 'baddy' be brought to justice.

Next time you go to see a movie at the cinema, actually think about what you are watching and what is filling your mind. I guarantee that it will be a multitude of sins, clouded by the use of humour, romance and action. My bet as to what you will see on screen is this: there will be at least one homosexual person or couple who is/are loveable and kind hearted and above all funny (I am not saying homosexual people cannot be these things, but I am saying that Hollywood would never portray a homosexual character in bad light because that would be contrary to their agenda). There will be numerous acts of adultery, presented in a light-hearted or romantic and intimate way. There will be bad language said in a way that sounds cool and funny, there will be dysfunctional families and relationships and there will be blasphemy (using God's name as a swear word) used at every opportunity they can.

Hollywood are using our human emotions to blur the boundaries over what is right and what is wrong. You will never see sin promoted in a negative way. You will never see the consequences of sin. Take adultery, for example, a horrible act that tears lives and relationships apart and leaves long lasting scars that can cause low self-esteem, depression and insecurity. Yet, if you are to watch an act of adultery on screen, no doubt you will enjoy what you watch because the film shows the act as romantic and intimate. As humans we will not  look at the horrible sin that is taking place, we will focus upon the romance and intimacy which we all love and crave. The act of adultery on screen becomes acceptable to us. It becomes understandable. These two words are words that the devil loves.

I challenge you readers to go and watch a film and see what you desire after it has finished. Go and watch a gangster movie that has a trendy soundtrack and  you will think the underworld is quite appealing. Go and watch a rom-com and you will feel lustful. Go and watch a romance and you will feel empty.

You may think this article is petty, (maybe even amish-like!) however its purpose is to shed just a tiny ray of light on the Holywood agenda, to serve as a warning to our young people who are so easily influenced and to those who are responsible for our youth. There is a vicious cycle that is emerging. The entertainment industry is presenting teenagers in a warped and weird way. Our teens then watch these images of sex, drug use and violence, presented in a light-hearted and funny way, and believe that this is a realistic depiction of how kids today act, therefore they themselves start to act the same. In response to this the entertainment industry develops and presents even more warped and weird depiction's of how kids behave. And so the cycle continues.

Take 'Skins' for example, a hit T.V series which follows the lives of several teenagers. The show, originally British and now popularized in the USA, shows the teenagers attending wild and unrealistic house-parties filled with sex, violence and drug abuse. When the first series came out, there was shock at the content of the programme. However, it quickly became acceptable and expected. To such an extent that 'skins' parties soon hit the headlines:

"Skins Party Wreaks havoc" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1580774/Skins-party-wreaks-havoc-in-suburban-street.html

"Skins sensation sweeping France" http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/features/teen-spirit-the-skins-sensation-sweeping-france-2037470.html

Sin is soul shattering and is terribly destructive to yourself and those who you love and care about. But with Hollywood making sin look 'cool', more and more kids are wilfully taking part in sin. More and more children are having numerous sexual partners and drug use is seen as harmless fun. What these kids thinks makes them big now, will have consequences when they are older. They will be shameful, depressed and suffer from low self-esteem. We were not originally designed to be engulfed in such sin. We were designed to be perfect in the presence of God. Something needs to be done to wake people up to the damage that Hollywood is doing. Speak up and out about it. Don't stay quiet. The devil loves to work in a subtle way. By telling people about the danger of things we are weakening the power of the devil to work in that person.

Hollywood is a tool the devil uses to chain people to sin. Just look at the celebrities involved. They are all desperate slaves to sin. Go and read a gossip magazine and you will see pages and pages of drama, of addiction and broken relationships. They are all monotonous slaves to sin. It is a sad sad state of affairs. They are damaging themselves for the future. Actions carry consequences. 

To protect our youth we must educate them as to what is right and wrong, and most importantly why is it right or wrong.



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